North Garden Brewery

We love beer, and we love to share... 

In February 2023, North Garden Brewery was founded by James Harley. James previously formed part of the Bestens Brewery team, developing his own recipes alongside gaining commercial experience (whilst also having a merrily exquisite time of course!) .

North Garden Brewery aims to serve the community by producing a range of great beers using high quality ingredients.

We aim to support charities by donating a percentage of the profits. Each year, a different charity will be selected. 

All North Garden Brewery artwork and design is produced by @pip.illustration. We could not be happier with the results so please follow and like on Instagram.

Now the intro spiel is over, scroll down to the good stuff, our beers!! 


Our range of  beers in stock varies, therefore please check availability via the Bestens' Brewery Shop. See Shop tab for link. 

Islands, 4.2%

A New England Pale Ale (NEPA) brewed with Amarillo, Azacca, Idaho 7, and Simcoe hops. Full bodied, juicy, with low bitterness. 

An ode to islands! Separated by the mainland, they are individual and uniquely exciting! The aim for this beer was to create something which could be enjoyed all day (responsibly of course) in the sunshine, with the feel of sand between your toes, and the sound of waves lapping upon the shore. YUMMY!

Climb Trees, 5.4%

A New England style IPA brewed with Simcoe, Centennial, and Wai-iti hops. Juicy, soft, and fruity, with a low bitterness.

An ode to climbing trees! The exhilaration of ascending your way, plotting your path, without an accidental rapid descent! Whether it's a triumphant brew with a view, or a commiseratory recovery tipple on the ground, this beer will hit the spot!

Harbour, 5.8%

A West Coast IPA brewed with Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial, and Simcoe hops. Crisp, with a citrus and earthy flavour, and an assertive bitterness.

An ode to harbours! A sanctuary to the sea battered and drenched sailor, and the launchpad to the regenerated and fortified voyager. Let each and every mouthful coat you in fortitude. 

Moon, 3.4% 

An Oatmeal Stout brewed with East Kent Goldings, and a variety of malted barley and oats to give a smooth, thick texture, with hints of chocolate and coffee. An initial roastiness gives way to a subtle sweet finish. 

An ode to staring at the night sky! The grass is indeed damp but that's for future you to be concerned with. For now, let the deliciousness of the beer wash within you whilst you soak in the night sky and the glow of the moon and stars. 

Aurora, 4.9% 

A Belgian Witbier brewed with Hallertauer Mittelfruh hops, orange peel, and coriander seed. Dry, crisp, with flavours of banana, clove, and bubble gum, and a moderately high carbonation. 

An ode to the Aurora! Oh how you glow, how you twinkle in a most alluring way. Sometimes you are there when you shouldn't be, and other times not when you should. A fickle, glorious thing. Talking of glorious things, this beer is just that!

Cascades, 4.0%

An English Golden Ale brewed with Cascade hops. 

An ode to cascades! Yes, it will be cold, but my golly you'll feel good afterwards! Whilst you dry your externals, let your internals relish in the malty, hoppy deliciousness.

Fields, 3.8%

A Best Bitter brewed with Fuggles and East Kent Goldings hops. A full malty and light floral flavour, with a delicate hoppy aroma, rounded off with a crisp, dry, bitter finish. 

An ode to the Farm! Walking through fields and  woods to reach the sanctuary of the local village pub. This beer is dedicated to the numerous wanderings from Lewstone Farm to The Royal Arms in Llangrove and back again. Although the memory of the adventure each time is hazy, a thoroughly enjoyable time has been had every time!

Festival, 4.2%

A Helles style Lager brewed with Tettnang hops. A light, crisp, dry, and refreshing lager

An ode to Festivals! From the first warm tinny as you crawl out of your tent requiring instant nourishment, to the last one consumed as you bounce about the place singing your face off! 

Road to Masca, 5.1%

A German Pilsner brewed with Tettnang hops. A full flavoured crisp, dry, and refreshing pilsner with an assertive bitterness

An ode to the first drink after overcoming an ordeal! A beer dedicated to the drive to the village of Masca in Teneriffe. A narrow, winding road with hairpin bends. Rock face on one side, and not a lot on the other. Stonking views if you can take your eyes off the road. 

Low Tide, 3.4%

A Session Extra Pale Ale brewed with Citra, Amarillo, and Columbus hops. Crisp, dry, citrusy, and oh so gluggable!

An ode to walking barefoot! With the sand between your toes, the faint sun attempting to warm your back, and the consideration of whether to throw all caution to the wind and get stuck into the ocean!

Peaks, 4.8%

An Extra Pale Ale brewed with Azacca, Cascade, and El Dorado hops. Light, crisp, and fruity, with a sweet finish!

An ode to conquering mountains! There is no such thing as a free lunch, and the best views require a little up and at them! Yes the muscles burn and ache and breathing is somewhat challenging, but all this is worth it for the breathtaking scenery and feeling of accomplishment, which is perfectly accompanied by the cold beer you dragged up with you. Sit, quaff, and enjoy; you've earnt it!


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